- Rehn - I appreciate Gracie, Fernando, Alex, Lia, Alexandra, Victor, Sarah, Michael, Araceli, Miles H. & Andrea for playing Uno with me during Library time.
- Maci - I appreciate Sarah for representing our class for the Self Respect award.
- Lia - I appreciate Rehn, Gracie, Fernando, Tracy, Miles H., Alexandra, Candy, Savannah, & Brent for playing Freeze Tag with me.
- Fernando - I appreciate my crew for being kind to one another.
- Savannah - I appreciate my crew for helping me when I need help in math.
- Miles H. - I appreciate Fernando for working with me and never giving up.
- Alexandra - I appreciate Maci, Savannah, August, & Bianca, for having a playdate and/or sleepover with me.
- Gracie - I appreciate Candy for helping me when I was sad.
- Araceli - I appreciate my crew for being a good crew for the month of January.
- Andrea - I appreciate my crew for helping me with Storybird. I also appreciate my crew for being nice to me.
- Candy - I appreciate Rehn & Brent for playing with me at recess.
- Brent - I appreciate Kaitlyn for being in charge of cleaning our cart.
- Kaitlyn - I appreciate Brent for appreciating me during appreciations.
![]() On Thursday we each started to create our own website on Weebly. We learned how to create a page. To put text on the page you go to the toolbox on the left side of the page and you drag the text box to the page. We still have some work to do on our websites before we publish them. On Storybird we finished up some stories and published them. This week we got to collaborate on writing stories with classmates. I worked with Sarah and we wrote a story called, "The Weird Mama." The story is about a mom that was so wrong because she stole boats. If you want to read our story go to the Homework tab and hit the "Published Storybird Stories" tab. Today we had an assembly and Sarah won an award for Self Respect. ![]() On Monday, we didn't have school because it was Martin Luther King Day. On Tuesday, we started making mimi books of California Explorers. The explorers we studied were Juan Cabrillo, Sebastian Vizcaino, and Sir Francis Drake. Did you know that Juan Cabrillo lead the first expedition to Northern California? Sebastian Viscanio landed in San Diego on November 10, 1602. And, Sir Francis Drake was sent by Queen Elizabeth on his expedition. He took land from the Spanish and was knighted and received 10,000 pounds from Queen Elizabeth. Drake died from a fever at sea in 1596. On Thursday, we wrote facts about each explorer and hung them on the bulletin board. Later that night from 6:00-7:00 parents come to a technology meeting while the children hung out in Mrs. Becker's classroom.
![]() This week we starting using ScootPad. ScootPad is a website where you practice Math & Reading skills. On the Math you need to get 20 questions right and if you do you earn 50 coins. If you get 10 Reading questions right you can earn 25 coins. You can collect coins and then buy prizes. The prizes are a Homework Pass, Show & Tell, Office Helper, Technology Aid, Lunch Recess with the 5th Graders, and a Big Dipper treat. This week I earned enough coins to get 2 Homework Passes. So far I've earned a total of 1,565 coins. An example of a Math problem is: Sarah had $48 to spend on markers. Each marker costs $6. How many markers can she buy? She can buy 8 markers because 6 x 8 = 48. This weekend is a 3-day weekend & Go Niners! Araceli - I appreciate the School Board and Cam for getting us the Chromebooks so we can each have one.
Lia - I appreciate Maci, Kaitlyn, & Savannah for playing with me at recess. Rehn - I appreciate our class for being kind to one another. Sarah - I appreciate Cam for fixing my Google doc problem & Alexandra for checking my cubby. Maci - I appreciate Del for helping me & Mrs. Rowland for being a great librarian. Alex - I appreciate Victor, Candy, Gracie, Rehn, Savannah, & Logan for playing with me at recess. Fernando - I appreciate Brent, Miles D., Miles H., & Victor for playing football with me. Candy - I appreciate Savannah for letting me play with her on her Chromebook. Alexandra - I appreciate Maci for showing me where the American Girl Doll books are located and Gracie for letting me have them. Victor - I appreciate the people who were playing with me at recess; Fernando, Brent, Alex, Rehn, & Candy. Gracie - I appreciate Candy, Victor, & Alex for helping me try to do something really hard. Miles H. - I appreciate Fernando, Alex, Victor, Brent, & Miles D., & Rehn for playing football. Logan - I appreciate my Crew for helping me with the Cart Check List. Miles D. - I appreciate Cam for helping us on our Chromebooks. Brent - I appreciate how well-mannered our class has been. Andrea - I appreciate Sarah for sitting with me on the bus and Araceli for being with me when we do the Chromebooks.
Tracy - I appreciate my Crew for being the best! Araceli - I appreciate Sarah for being a great friend and student. Logan - I appreciate Alex for being a good friend. Brent - I appreciate Miles D. for being a good sport in football and Alexandra for cleaning my cubby. Miles H. - I appreciate Fernando for helping me with my Chromebook. Savannah - I appreciate Lia for playing with me on my Chromebook. Lia - I appreciate Savannah for playing with me on my Chromebook and Kaitlyn for being nice to me. Miles D. - I appreciate Rehn for helping me with my Chromebook. Rehn - I appreciate Fernando for letting me play a game with him on his Chromebook. Maci - I appreciate Sarah, Gracie, & Alexandra for playing with me on the slide and my parents for helping me when I'm sad. Sarah - I appreciate Candy for letting me play on her Chromebook with her. Candy - I appreciate Sarah for playing with me on my Chromebook. Alexandra - I appreciate Andrea, Logan, Victor, Fernando, Alex, Rehn, Sarah, & Maci for playing with me at recess. Fernando - I appreciate Brent, Miles H., Miles D., and Rehn for playing football at recess. ![]() This was the first week back in school after Winter Break. On Monday our class got Chromebooks. On Wednesday and Thursday our class had a substitute becuase Ashley went to a Google conference. On Friday Ashley finally came back! After we did a little bit of writing we had free on the Chromebooks. Have a good weekend and "Go Niners"! |
August 2018
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