Anna - I appreciate Samantha for sharing her umbrella with me when it was raining today.
Camila - I appreciate Valeria for helping me with homework.
Isaac - I appreciate Andrew for playing with me in the gym, and my sister for playing with me.
Eli - I appreciate Bella for getting me some Orbeez.
Bianca - I appreciate Miss Richmond for being a really nice student teacher.
Andrew - I appreciate Justin’s mom for inviting me over for a sleepover this weekend.
Jeremy - I appreciate Ashley for not getting frustrated with the class this week.
Valeria - I appreciate Camila, Anna, Bianca, and Samantha for using the foam blocks with me in the gym.
Sam - I appreciate everyone in the community for being the community of St. Helena.
Bryan - I appreciate the mayor of St. Helena for coming to the Boys & Girls Club and taking a photo with me.
Jackson - I appreciate Tommy for coming to my house on Thursday.
Nicholas - I appreciate my mom & Christian’s mom for letting us have a two-day sleepover.
Christian - I appreciate Nicholas for being a great friend, and Andrew for teaching me how to Dab. I appreciate my dad for letting me see Deadpool.
Samantha - I appreciate Mrs. Pearson for getting the Imagine Blocks for us.
Bella - I appreciate Eli, Nikki, and Mhairi for playing with the Imagine Blocks with me.
Everett - I appreciate my mom for getting me my new bed at Ikea and I also appreciate my dad for taking me to see the movie “Screenagers”. And finally, I appreciate my mom for getting my blood taken and then letting me go the Big Dipper.