- Gracie - I appreciate my crew for being nice & cooperating during Math.
- Maci - I appreciate Sarah for commenting on our 1st week of school appreciations.
- Rehn - I appreciate my friends in class for playing Sumdog with me.
- Andrea - I appreciate my crew for cooperating and for being nice and helpful to me.
- Miles D. - I appreciate my crew for working well together during Go Math.
- Logan - I appreciate my crew for being very helpful while we are working.
- Lia - I appreciate Candy, Alexandra, Maci, and Rehn for playing "I Spy" with me.
- Ivan - I appreciate Alexandra for being kind and helpful to me.
- Star - I appreciate Rehn for being awesome.
- Miles H. - I appreciate Ivan & Star for joining this class.
- Fernando - I appreciate my crew for being kind to one another.
- Araceli - I appreciate Lifetouch for taking our school pictures and my crew for cooperating during Go Math.
- Alexandra - I appreciate Ivan for accepting my apology.
- Candy - I appreciate my crew for being nice to me.