- Cloak Room Monitor - Michael
- Cubby Assistant - Miles H.
- Custodial Assistants - Rehn & Logan
- Electrician - Fernando
- Encourager - Owen
- Kindness Recorder - Alex
- Librarian - Candy
- Line Leaders - Savannah & Gracie
- Mail Carrier - Araceli
- News Director - Brent
- Paperwork Manager - Miles D.
- Photographer - Maci
- Reporter - Tracy
- Textbook Monitors - Andrea & Victor
- Visitor Greeter - Kaitlyn
- We Missed You Clerk - Lia
- Whiteboard Technician - Gracie
- Morning Message Writer - Alexandra
Here are the classroom job assignments for the month of October:
![]() Today we had a jump rope assembly. Renee, the jump rope expert, came and showed us some tricks for the jump rope. All the classes got jump ropes to use at recess and lunch. In Math we measured head sizes and found the maximum head size (22 inches), the minimum head size (20 inches), the median was (21 inches), the range was 2, and the mean was 21 inches. In Social Studies we looked at photos of houses to figure out where they were located based on what kind of roofs they had, building materials used, and the landscape around the house. This is my last blog as the Classroom Reporter and I have enjoyed reading your comments on my other blogs. Please comment on this one, too. We appreciate the following:
![]() Our extra homework this weeks was a “free choice” homework project. This means we got pick an extra project to work on this week. Here are some of the projects my classmates worked: Rehn created an elephant out of recycled material, Miles D. washed the dishes all week, Tracy drew a detailed map of his bedroom, and Maci made dinner each night for her family. I wrote a report on GMOs and created a poster board showing a graph of how much you spend on non-GMO products versus GMO products. We also studied about mode, median, and range. The mode is the number that has two or more numbers in a given set of data. The median is the number in the middle of the set of data. And range is the maximum number subtracted by the minimum number. Thanks for all the comments on my first and second blog. Please comment again. Here are our appreciations for this week:
Here are this week's appreciations:
![]() This week we went to Room 6 for Computer Lab with Cam and we got to use the new Chromebooks. If you don’t know what a Chromebook is, it is a very lightweight computer that does not have a hard drive. Instead it is a “cloud-based” computer that connects to the internet. Cam also showed how to use Google Docs and how to name documents. During PE this week we learned how to use the Fitness Room. The Fitness Room is just like a gym, but for kids only. One of my favorite pieces of exercise equipment is the Moon Walk. It has two bars with metal steps where you put your feet and walk with straight legs. I loved reading all the comments from my first blog post, so I hope you comment on this blog post as well. ![]() Our Kindness Recorder for the month of September is Miles H. Here are the acts of kindess he has recorded so far:
These are the things we are grateful for this week:
![]() Hi, I'm Owen and my job for September is to write a weekly blog about what happens in our class. This week we got new crews. In case you don't know, crews are four students assigned to one table for the whole month. We have 5 crews in our room. Whenever we get new crews we do a "crew building" activity. This month's activity was playing Uno. By playing Uno we learned how to work together. This week we learned that the angles in a triangle always total 180 degrees. It doesn't matter if the triangle is an isosceles triangle, a scalene triangle, or an obtuse triangle, the angles will always measure 180 degrees. I hope you have good weekend, Owen |
August 2018
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