Christian - I appreciate everyone who is being nice to me.
Isaac - I appreciate Christian for playing with me at the library. I appreciate Andrew for playing with me at B & G Club.
Jeremy - I appreciate Ashley for showing me how to do Pixel Art.
Jackson - I appreciate Sam, Nicholas, and Bryan for playing with me.
Samantha - I appreciate Mrs. Condylis for teaching me a dance for the Spring concert.
Andrew - I appreciate my cousin for inviting me to his birthday party. I also appreciate my crew for working hard on our Captain’s Chest project.
Anna - I appreciate Ashley for letting us do Makerspace.
Everett - I appreciate my mom for organizing the pizza party for last year’s basketball team.
Bryan - I appreciate Sam, Nicholas, PJ, and Jackson for playing with me.
Sam - I appreciate my soccer coach for playing soccer with us from 7:30-9:00 pm at the Boys & Girls Club gym last night.
Bella - I appreciate Miss Richmond for being nice to us.
Bianca - I appreciate Anna, Samantha, & Bella for working on the spring dance with me.