Christian - I appreciate my parents for letting me have a sleepover with Nicholas. I also appreciate Nicholas’ mom for letting him come over to sleep at my house.
Samantha - I appreciate my babysitter for dealing with 4 crazy kids yesterday.
Bryan - I appreciate my aunt for taking me to Reno.
Everett - I appreciate my mom for being really awesome for making delicious cupcakes.
Tommy - I appreciate Jackson for inviting me over to his house yesterday.
Valeria - I appreciate Judy Young for teaching us poetry.
Nicholas - I appreciate Christian’s mom for letting me come over. I also appreciate Christian for letting me play games with him at his house.
Andrew - I appreciate my grandparents for coming out this week to watch both of my club soccer games.
Anna - I appreciate my mom for letting my cousins come over.
Camila - I appreciate my mom for taking care of me when I was sick.
Jeremy - I appreciate my dad for getting us a pet hamster, and my mom for getting it a ball to run around in.
Eli - I appreciate my mom & dad for letting me go camping tomorrow.
Isaac - I appreciate my mom for being a nice mom.
Bianca - I appreciate my dad for letting me and my brother play with all of our friends.
Jackson - I appreciate Tommy for coming over to my house yesterday.
Ashley - I appreciate Mrs. Hemsley for all of the work she did for Ms. Sabin’s baby shower.