Araceli - I appreciate Ashley for teaching us about teh Gold Rush and for having a Gold Rush in Room 19.
Lia - I appreciate the whole class for participating in Room 19's Gold Rush and behaving nicely. I also appreciate Ashley for teaching us about the Gold Rush and for having a fun Gold Rush activity.
Miles D. - I appreciate Savannah for thinking about adding horses to our covered wagon project.
Alexandra - I appreciate my mom for helping my uncle and taking care of my cousins for 10 days.
Rehn - I appreciate being a Unites States citizen during our Gold Rush activity because I was able to keep off of my gold!
Candy - I appreciate my uncle for letting me bring the scorpion to school for Show & Tell.
Logan - I appreciate Ashley for giving us "gold".
Maci - I appreciate my crew for cooperating on our covered wagon project.
Kaitlyn - I appreciate my mom for helping me make presents for the class.
Andrea - I appreciate Fernando for giving me one piece of "gold".
Gracie - I appreciate Lia for giving me some "gold".
Brent - I appreciate Fernando for giving me some "gold".
Fernando - I appreciate my crew for being a nice crew.
Miles H. I appreciate Ashley for hiding "gold" in our classroom.