Star - I appreciate Fernando for saying he will bring you a treat on Monday.
Alexandra - I appreciate Star, Fernando, & Candy for playing with me at recess.
Rehn - I appreciate my parents for getting rid of cable and getting Netflix instead.
Candy - I appreciate Star, Fernando, and Alexandra for playing with me at recess.
Brent - I appreciate my sister for helping me make a cake for my Grandma.
Kaitlyn - I appreciate my mom for helping me with my leprechaun trap.
Ivan - I appreciate Rehn, Alex, Miles D., Miles H, & Brent for playing soccer with me at recess.
Maci - I appreciate my family for getting me nice presents for my birthday.
Alex - I appreciate Rehn, Ivan, Brent, Miles H., & Miles D. for playing with me at recess.
Fernando - I appreciate Star, Alexandra, & Candy for playing with me at recess.
Gracie - I appreciate my mom for letting me get my hair cut.
Miles H. - I appreciate Alex, Miles, Brent, Victor, Ivan, & Rehn for playing with me.
Tracy - I appreciate Lane for always being there for me and playing with me at recess.
Miles D. - I appreciate my crew for working well during Science.