- have an authentic audience - parents, other students, teachers, grandparents, relatives will have access to this blog
- be engaged & motivated - seeing their own words on the blog at school, at home, at the B & G Club, etc. ....why wouldn't they want to blog?
- use social media in a positive manner which will enrich the learning environment
- comment on one another's work or read comments from someone who has commented on their work
- have a real-world context for learning about ethics, netiquette, digital citizenship, internet safety, copyright guidelines
- collaborate on projects with other 4th graders from around the world
- write creatively so you'll want to keep following our blog!
- use the spelling conventions they've learned so the reader focuses on the content and NOT the spelling mistakes!
- practice their typing skills in a practical manner (as opposed to using the typing program once a week in the Computer Lab)
Room 19's Blog will allow students to:
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August 2018
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